Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Alaskan Mushroom - 5

2. Unknown
3. Russula emetica or emetic Russula. I ate a lot before, but now know from the others that it is toxic slowly to poison body.

4. Unknown

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Alaskan Mushroom - 4

1/Russula aeruginea. Edible.

2/Rough Stemmed Bolete. Edible.

Alaskan Mushroom - 3

1/ Unknown.

2/ Unknown.


4. They look like Clitocybula Abundans. Edability unknown.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Alaskan Mushroom - 2

1/They look like Tricholoma Resplendens, But I am not sure. If they are, then poisonous.

2/ Unknown.
3/ Unknown

4/ They look like Tricholoma Vaccinum. Bitter and inedible.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Alaskan Mushroom - 1

1/This is a Boletus Mirabilis. Edible.

2. These are Leccinum Aurantiacum, also named Orange Bolete. Edible.

3/Leccinum scabrum. Rough stemmed bolete. Edible.